
Get Flavour Frenzy!

Tropical fresh fruits,  minty greens or zingy lemons – How would you like your water today?

It’s 2018, and supermarkets are flooding their shelves with different flavours of water. From regular sodas/aerated drinks to zero cola/diet sodas, we’ve really come a long way. Our roots have turned fancy, so much so that, you now have a water menu to browse from.  

The global market has witnessed an increasing demand for flavoured water and people are demanding new and exciting flavors of water. Competitors are at a production rush for addition of innovative flavors to their product range.

Water being the main ingredient, this invention of flavoured water is a motivational boost to all those who drink less water or don’t like the taste of water. It’s a refreshing water evolution!

Choose from a delicious lineup of flavoured water from all across the globe, with low or zero calories and no preservatives. Does that sound healthy already?


Let us understand the two main reasons why people favour flavoured water;

1. A healthy substitute

Are you watching your calories, but can’t help those soda cravings?
As far as flavoured water is concerned, it has a short ingredient list, as compared to those ingredients loaded in high calorific sodas/carbonated drinks. Some flavoured water brands are zero in calorie while some are not. Regardless, they all are considerably low in calories.

2. Exciting Flavours

Water has a dull taste. Not many like the taste, and not many drink the actual quantity required for the body. While it so happens, flavoured water can be a great replacement. They are available in various taste combinations. Most of them are fruit infusions, a perfect hit-of-flavour to your water and pleasure to your taste bud.

For over years now, good health, fitness and wellness have become a talk-of-the-globe. People are fighting obesity and other health conditions with the help of substitutes. We see replacements for almost everything. Sugar substitutes among the others relatively hold a larger market area. You, choosing a product with the right calorific value, is a vital step during your weight watching. Flavoured water one such popular low-calorie, low sugar drink.

At Organico Beverages, we are up-to-date with new and effective recipes, consumer-friendly products. Our team of food technicians and industry professionals study data and understand the need-of-the-hour. So let’s together make your beverage idea a reality?

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