
Herbal Drinks – The New Beverage Trend?

Over the years, the word “herbal” has hugely famed not only the Indian markets, but has splurged globally. With truly amazing health benefits, herbal drinks are the first choice of many!
The benefits in these products meet the new-fashioned trend of absorbing the goodness of health and fitness instantly, or within minutes.

Every herbal drink has untold benefits that cannot be determined by their nutritional facts alone. To that end, we took some time off, relished a few sips of good-health & bring to you a list of top 4 Herbal drinks that we came across.

Green Tea Infusions

The drink has been most eminent in Asia, but in recent years, it rose to popularity in the western countries. Low-calorie levels, caffeine levels and beneficial antioxidants have led to the urge and need of this feel-light drink. After a lot of research, beverage manufacturers have developed interesting and tasty flavoured beverages with this herb that makes it the favoured choice of drink for many.

Healthy is always happy with a little flavour, isn’t it?

Ginger Decoction

“Everything good is found in Ginger”, says an old Indian proverb. This spicy drink, composes of health benefits that help relieving something as common as, a viral cough and cold or a sore throat. Among the other substantially diverse benefits, the tea constitutes ingredients that help combat nausea, increase one’s appetite, aid digestion and prevent chronic diseases.

Tastes best with a dash of lemon!

Chamomile infusion

A cup of flowers anyone? Yes, you read that right!

Let your usual calm desert you as you sip a cup of dried chamomile flowers and hot water. This calming beverage consists of the right properties that will help you relax and also improves the quality of your sleep. A rich flatovoid “chrysin”, present in these flowers help in balancing your sleeping pattern and acts as a relaxant.

Peppermint infusion

Does your drink give you a Mint-y fresh flavour? This North American herbal infusion is more cool and refreshing. The pleasant green leaves when dried and further brewed, essentially help in reducing and relieving stress. It also helps in boosting your health with its impressive abilities that help reduce pain, improve digestion, eliminate inflammation and subdue bad breath.

Serve your soul a cup of relief!

Whether the herb is bitter, or has a bad taste, if it makes you feel rejuvenated, proves to be a good source of energy and helps prevent certain illnesses, its consumption is essential. Various herbal plants have various health benefits, most of which are a vital addition to your everyday drinks.

The year 2017 has brought massive opportunities for stakeholders in the Beverage industry. A future of healthy beverage choices is approaching and it clearly defines the increase in production of these beverages. These beverages have set a mark in the industry and will fare popularly all the more in 2018, and are sure to leverage the marketing strategies for big names in the Indian and Global Beverage Industry.


  1. Hi,

    We are leading MLM company from Kerala. We need to know more about your products. Do u have any new developing product in juice? for example Curcumin with mango?

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